Services & Rates

Swedish Massage

$79.95 per 1 hr. session

imageSwedish Massage is a very relaxing and therapeutic style of bodywork. It combines oils or lotion with an array of strokes such as rolling, kneading, and percussion to help the body improve its circulation. The benefits of this type of bodywork are wide-ranging and include relief from aches and pains, decreased stress levels in the body, enhanced mental clarity, improved appearance, and greater flexibility.


Session consists of 5 min for consultation & undressing, 50 min hands on massage & 5 min to redress after the massage

 Everyday Price: $79.95,

Benefits Program Price: $59.95.


$79.95 per 60 Min. session

imageL.I.G.H.T.Work or Reiki (pronounced RAY-Key), a japanese word meaning spiritually guided life force energy, is a gentle method of hands-on bodywork of incomparable ease and power.  It is a technique that addresses both chronic and acute conditions, gently and powerfully promoting balance among all the body's systems and the regenerative processes of body, mind and Spirit. 

L.I.G.H.T.Work is profoundly relaxing, supporting one's good health, well-being, and happiness.

L.I.G.H.T.Work uses physical touch that deeply relaxes the body and balances its bio-electromagnentic energy. There is no body manipulation as in massage.  During a session you lay down fully clothed as the practitioner places their hands on or above your body for a few minutes at different places. You may feel their hands become very warm and you will become very relaxed.  From that deep place of relaxation tension floats away and your body's own ability to bring itself into balance starts working.

Session consists of 5 min for consultation & undressing, 50 min hands on massage & 5 min to redress after the massage.

Everyday Price: $79.95

Benefits Program Price: $59.95.




Chair Massage

$29.95 per 30 Minutes

imageChair massage is done over the clothing. With seated massage, you can avoid the discomfort and awkwardness that you may feel in disrobing for a traditional massage. Also, chair massage sessions are usually shorter than traditional massage, making it convenient enough to fit into your busy schedule.

Call 240-310-9355 to schedule your 30 Min. Chair Massage!

Sacred Childbirth with Reiki

$75 per 1 1/2 hr. Session

© Copyright 2013  Sacred Childbirth with Reiki. All Rights Reserved.

Childbirth is a sacred rite of passage for
     the baby, the mother, and the family!


Empower yourself to manifest an effortless, image-free birth filled with pleasure and serenity welcoming your child to this world in a sacred way.

During Sacred Childbirth with Reiki sessions, the practitioner uses Reiki to help you release your bodies' negative feelings and memories about birth, creating a clean palate for you to design and manifest the birth you desire.  You will learn natural breathing rhythms, visualizations, and affirmations to access the ancient natural birthing wisdom in your body. Then, using Reiki, the practitioner guides you through practice birthing sessions creating new, positive, vibrantly peaceful pathways for the birthing energy to flow.  this new way of birthing is encoded in the cellular memory of the mother's body. When the birth actually occurs the energy flows along those pathways creating a peaceful, empowering experience for the baby and the couple.

Couples learn that the baby also manifests experiences it needs to have to do it's life work.  We don't know what those are.  These little ones also come as our teachers and sometimes our healers. They are using their births to begin that process. It is the parents' job to prepare, to assist and support the baby, and to use those tools as the birth unfolds.  They are then able to rest in the knowing that however the birth happens, it is absolutely perfect and in Divine Order.